The Feral Rose … | Feral | Wayfinding | Becoming |
Arts experimentation with… Wayfinding | Becoming | Decolonising | Going Feral | Placemaking | Indigeny | Myths & Stories | Wild | Undomesticated | Knowing & Knowledges | Ethics | Meaning-Making | Naturecultures | Playthinking | Emerging | Earthing | Worlding | Futures | Nomads | ‘World-making’ | Response -ability | Commons | Ceremony | Re/enchanting | Re/imagining | Utopias | Ourstories | Urban & Rural | Environments | The ways before and the ways to come | Kin | Cycles | Patterns |
““Aak ngamparam yimanang wunan … ‘being like our place’. I think this is a good way to start if you want to begin to discern the patterns of creation and rejoin our custodial species.””
The Rose is a predominantly domesticated species that has been cultivated for 5000 years.
It is an ornamental flower, originally extracted from it’s wilderness and situated in our public or private parks and gardens where it is kept tidy, neat and captive.
I too, a Rose, am captive, extracted, cultivated and domesticated, but through this project I encounter The Feral Rose.
““In nature nothing exists alone.””
FERAL … is to be uncultivated, undomesticated and uncolonised. To perhaps know oneself as nature
WAYFINDING … is the knowing, knowledge or presence to find our way through and across landscapes both material, metaphorical and metaphysical. Wayfinding re/turns us to our common journeys, ourstories, our ways of being that materialise through place and peoples, and across time and space.
BECOMING … is the awareness of being impermanent and experiencing the fluidity of changes, shifts and existing in a constant state of re/forming, transforming or in/forming
“ “Can we imagine reconstructing our lives around a commoning of our relations with others, including animals, waters, plants, and mountains… This is the horizon that the discourse and the politics of the commons opens for us today, not the promise of an impossible return to the past but the possibility of recovering the power of collectively deciding our fate on this earth. This is what I call re-enchanting the world.””