““I invite you to consider a possibility... that wisdom lives in each of us. And, perhaps that wisdom also lives in all of us collectively... It is a ‘knowing’ - knowing how to care for this planet and all the beings living here.””
Workshops | Consultancy | Research
Throughout my experience as a teacher, facilitator, project coordinator and artist I have found there is a profound potential when groups convene together and share moments with nature and one another.
Through exchanging and encountering our stories, memories and mutual empathy a collective knowledge emerges that helps us find inspiration for our own healing, wellbeing and that of our relationships, community and environment.
Earth Wise invites everyone to enjoy exploring topics, themes and 'BIG' questions using a range of techniques and practices based in the natural environment and as part of a social practice of learning.
What Earth Wise is developing and offering…
Earth Walks and Wellbeing practices for young people and adults
Philosophical Community Inquiries - “BIG Thinking Circles” for all ages
Women's Circle Journeys with The Selkie Collective and in co-facilitation with colleagues Jo Royle and Isabel McLeish.
Social Art / Social Presencing Theatre Workshops for young people and adults
SOUL LAB - A peer-coaching and co-presencing workshop process using Theory U and peer-mentoring for entrepreneurs. Originally designed through the Catalyst 2030 network and now open to all interested ‘souls’ in collaboration with my colleague Silke Haubensak (Waser 3.0). Website coming soon!
And guidance on developing ‘Earth Wise’ models for businesses, groups and organisations to embody a practice of social justice, ecological justice and climate justice through democratised decision making and regenerative ways of working together.
Women’s Circle Journey Pilot
We had a hugely successful pilot in February 2022 with a few inspirational highlights from the ‘place’ and the ‘circles’ created. With thanks to Scottish Forestry Community Fund and Rural Communities Fund and to my colleagues and friends for co-creating such a special experience for our first women’s circle.
“I joined the Women’s Circle Journey to meet like minded women. What I found was more than I hoped for. The space, the facilitation, the food and the general sense of goodness was there right from the moment we stepped in. It was such a privilege to enter into a space made of trust, inclusion and love. Thank you to all that made it happen”
Soul Lab
After the initial successes of Soul Lab piloted with Catalyst 2030, Silke and I are journeying with our ever expanding community of ‘soul mates’ and are enjoying seeing what further projects and work will emerge.
A website will be available soon.