31st March - 2nd April: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) Annual Conference @New College Oxford
Poster Presentation: E-art-h Walking as Philosophical Journeying Methodology for Literature Reviews, embodying place connectedness and place affected ‘living’ A/R/Tography inquiry.
The poster included a ‘rhizome’ journeying of the entangled ‘knowledges’, ‘ideas’ and ‘practices’ adopted for E’art-h Walking with one page from my Sketchbook Journaling.
24/11/2022: SERA Annual Conference - Scottish Education Research Association
Symposium Title: ‘Possibilities of educational becoming(s)’ with Duncan Mercieca, Kumara Ward & Dana Yaseen. Presentation Title: Becoming Places: Experimenting with emergent arts-based practice as method
08/07/2022: Earth in Mind: Rethinking Education for our Future - Noisily Festival
As part of a diverse panel of educators, parents, explorers and thinkers I shared a vision of an Earth centred future education system with a focus on shifting ‘land’ ownership to placeship, where communities have regenerative and participatory ‘democracy’ in relationship to planetry ‘wellbeing’ for human flourishing.
Earth in Mind @ Noisily Festival
05/05/2022: Adventures in Posthumanism Doctoral Event, University of Plymouth - Art Earth Walks: Entanglements of place, presence and dialogue.
For the Adventures in Posthumanism Doctoral Event I wish to share a page from my Art Earth Walk sketch book that forms part of my emerging 'open-orientated' arts practice for thinking with place and as nature.
The presentation will briefly outline the background to my practice, the connections Art Earth Walks have to my doctoral ethics, methodology and literature review, and offer it as practice that embodies wellbeing, presencing with self and place, as well as a dialogue with the non-human and more-than-human worlds.
13/04/2022: Approaches to Research in Education, University of Plymouth - Art Earth Walks Introduction
Presenting on a practice I have developed of Art Earth Walks, as an embodied and experiential arts-based practice that explores 'thinking' alongside a method of research for a community of inquiry with teachers.
24/03/2022: Botanic Garden PhD Cluster Group, University of Dundee - Hope and Educating for Sustainability
Presented on my MA research in Hope to peers and colleagues as part of the new Living Lab projects linked to the Botanic Garden and University of Dundee.
10/04/2021: Geographical Association Annual Conference and Exhibition - Hopeful Futures Learning
A co-panellist with David Alcock , Alex Standish and two year 10 students Layla and Romana discussing the question: “What should geography teach about humanity and the future?”
Sharing discernments of hope from my MA research and exploring Pedagogies of Hope as a way of facilitating ‘possibility thinking’ and alternatives in education. Suggesting place-based and communities of inquiry as learning spaces for complexity, local to global interconnectedness and ways of educating with hope.
03/12/2020: Better Future Forum - Education
A co-panellist sharing ideas and aspirations for the future of education and contributing to the work of the ‘Forward Democracy’ project.
20/06/2020: Advanced P4C Seminar - Climate Change Education, Hope and Philosophy for Children.
I presented on my recent MA dissertation research ‘discerning hope’ through an Education for Sustainable Development philosophical inquiry. Hope as a metaphysical, ‘conative’, ‘emotive’, ‘affective’ and ‘actant phenomenon of our lives was explored. I proposed the ‘Pluriversal Classroom’ as a (s)place of ‘educating with hope’ and embodying a ‘world of many worlds’ for philosophical inquiry focusing on climate change, futures thinking and sustainable development.
The ‘PLuriversal’ Classroom
30/05/2019 – 01/06/2019: World Ecology Conference: Planetary Utopias, Capitalist Dystopias (CIIS, San Francisco)
Paper Presentation - ‘Ecological Futures: Dreaming a new way of educating into being’ on the Radical Pedagogies in the Web if Life Panel. An ontological mode of utopian imagining through Australian Aboriginal ontological and spiritual beliefs.
27/03/2019: Doing POSTHUMANism: PLAYFUL ENCOUNTERS (University of Plymouth)
Poster presentation – MA Dissertation: Discerning hope with a diffractive methodology
11/2015: Five Nations Network (Cardiff)
Research presentation - ‘Citizenship Across the Nations’ report on the Small-Scale Research Initiative examining identity and designing a youth-led Citizenship Curriculum with students from England, Wales and Northern Ireland, which was presented to the UK Parliament Education Committee. Online Link
04/2015: Pedagogy Café at Plymouth University
Place-based learning: Sustainability Education through community engagement. Presenting on the work of Growing Sustainable Futures CIC to the Centre for Sustainable Futures Pedagogy Cafe.
07/2014: ‘Walking the Talk Conference ‘ University of Plymouth - Natural Connections Demonstration Project
Case Study Presentation - ‘Enabling Schools to Embed their Vision’ presentation as part of GSFCIC’s work on the Natural Connections Demonstration Project.
04/2014: Alternative Careers in Education Seminar (Brunel University)
Workshop Presentation - Introduction to social enterprise and how Education for Sustainability projects can be delivered as an external provider for schools.